The ultimate Way to Improve WordPress SEO Performance
In this article, I will discuss all the essential WordPress SEO techniques to improve your WordPress SEO performance
WordPress SEO Techniques
Being the top Digital Marketing Agency in Pune, I would request all of you to follow all the below points to improve your WordPress SEO performance and rank high on Google search ranking.
Search engine optimization or SEO help web designers to create a user-friendly and search engine bots friendly website.
Being a best digital marketing agency in Pune we recommend you to focus on your SEO performance to create a user-centric user-friendly website that will rank high on Google search results
Here, I will discuss all the essential WordPress SEO techniques you should consider before you design your WordPress website or blog. This tips and techniques will definitely improve your website performance and help to rank high on search results.
1. Website Speed:
First thing first, I know we should consider our priorities first. Your website’s loading speed should be your first priority.
If your website takes more than 5 seconds to load then you will definitely lose many of your potential customers.
No one likes a slow website. Nowadays no one has that much of time to wait for your website to load.
Your prospects will prefer to visit your competitors’ website if your website is slow to load.
Even, Google will not rank you higher if your website is slow because Google shows search results that are not only relevant and have unique contents but also the website that gives good user experience with high loading speed.
So, before you start designing your own website you should consider how to improve the loading speed of your website. Because high loading speed with unique content will trigger the search engine to rank your website higher.
Below are the important checklists to improve your website speed:
Web Hosting
Your business website is very important. If it down then your brand reputation and sales can be highly affected.
There are many web hosting companies present to provide hosting for your website.
They are mainly of two types:
Standard shared hosting and Cloud web hosting
There are advantages to both the shared hosting and cloud web hosting for business owners.
Shared hosting is a cost-effective solution where cloud hosting is more secure and provides the resources or the speed you need.
The first thing you have to consider to improve your WordPress SEO performance is a good hosting for your website to host. Once you buy a domain name for your website next step is to select hosting for your website.
I would highly recommend a Cloud hosting for your website. Cloud hosting is a better option to improve your website speed.
Business owners need to decide what is their first priority. Low cost shared hosting can serve the need but, if you are willing to invest on your website to get the desired security and improve web loading speed then can consider cloud hosting for sure.
But, this is just the first step to get a good loading speed for your website.
A cloud hosting is most costly then a shared hosting or WordPress hosting but still I would recommend you to go for cloud hosting to host your WordPress website
Cloudflare CDN
Cloudflare is a content delivery network. As the name suggests the basic role of Cloudflare CDN is the deliver the content online.
Cloudflare CDN is available for a free version with build in shared SSL certificate.
Cloudflare solves a very important problem, that is latency. This main reason for latency is the distance between you and the website’s hosting server. Now CDN plays a vital role to shorten the distance and improve the website’s speed and performance.
One of the added advantages of Cloudflare is that it gives you high security against DDoS attacks, abusive bots and data breach.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. The main objective of using AMP is to make website content load faster for mobile users. There are many plugins are available for WordPress. I would recommend AMP for WP.
AMP for WP is an ultimate plugin to improve your WordPress SEO performance for mobile devices.
Now the whole world is on mobile. People use mobile devices to search and buy the product or services they require. Thus, your website should be mobile friendly.
A mobile-friendly website means that it doesn’t take much time to load and easy to read in all types of mobile phones.
Once you start using AMP you easily see the increase website loading speed on GTmatrix.
Minifying HTML,CSS and JavaScript (js)
When software developers create HTML, CSS and JavaScript (js) files they tend to use space, comments and well-named variables to make the code and markup readable for the developers
It may have a positive impact on the development phase but, it has a negative impact when serving your web pages. Thus, increase the load time and bandwidth usages on your website.
In WordPress there are many plugins are available for minification.
By using HTML, CSS and JavaScript minification plugins you can dramatically improve website speed and accessibility. This results in better user experience.
I use Cloudflare CDN to automatically minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to accelerate web page load time and protecting your website from major security threats like DDoS attacks.
Before you think of minification of your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files I would highly recommend you to use a backup and restore plugin.
Some time minifying HTML, CSS and JavaScript files results in some damage to your website. As a result, your website may not work properly and create an awful user experience.
So, I recommend you to use a plugin named Updraft plus for backup and restore of your website to deal with any damages if occur during minification of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files.
I use Updraft Plus plugin to backup and restore my complete website data in my Google drive. This plugin helps me to restore data that has been lost, stolen, or damaged to the content or design.
I would want you to read the below articles to understand the concept in more detail:
WordPress security issues do exist, most of them can be avoided best security practices and awareness of the risks that are involved with it.
Below is the important WordPress SEO security best practice.
Weak passwords
A weak password is the biggest security concern that you can avoid.
Your WordPress admin password should be strong with symbols or numbers in it. Avoid using your WordPress admin password to anywhere else.
b) update your WordPress version and plugins:
Running an outdated version of WordPress can prone to cyber attacks.
Updates will be available on your WordPress dashboard when they are available. You have to make a practice of having a backup and then running all available WordPress updates.
Cheap Hosting or Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is where multiple websites are stored on a single server.
Most web hosting companies (providers of shared hosting) take precautions to secure websites on the server level, not all implement the latest WordPress website security measures.
This is the reason why the server where WordPress website resides is a target for attackers and your website become more vulnerable to being compromised.
Use a Reliable WordPress Backup Plan
Scheduled backup of your website protects you from sudden data loss, human error, issues during WordPress version, theme or plugin updates.
Taking a backup is the best advice in regards to digital security. If you have a scheduled backup of your WordPress website, you will have a quick fix for anything that goes wrong.
I would request you to re-evaluate your WordPress SEO Performance after you implement a few of the above techniques. You will definitely see a significant rise in organic traffic to your website.
If you have any difficulty in understanding any of the above points, please drop a comment below. I will surely try to solve all your questions related to WordPress SEO
Let me know what another topic you want to to write in my next article.